1. Abstract and full paper should be written in English using MS Word format.
  2. Abstract should be written using Time New Roman 11, spacing 1, not exceeding 200 words, should contain keywords, title, name of presenter, institution, email address, phone number, and conference sub theme.
  3. Full paper should be written using Time New Roman 11, spacing 1, 8 - 10 pages, margin formatted with 3 cm (top, bottom, left, right), on paper A4.
  4. Full paper should contain research background, research problem, aim of research, research method (population & sampling, design instrumentation, data analysis), result and discussion, conclusion, and reference.
  5. Abstract and full paper should be send to lena@ukm.edu.my
  6. Format for abstract and full paper can be access at the conference website.
  7. All articles will be published in the conference proceedings.
  8. For authors who wish to publish their article in international journals accredited by DIKTI should write their articles in English and a sum of Rp. 10,000,000.00 to the Conference Journal Secretariat (email mustikafitri@yahoo.com, Mustika Fitri Bank BNI A/C 0022823112) for editing, plagiarism check and publication fees.